Sunday, August 13, 2006
I went to go see the Al Gore movie yesterday.
Today I bought I bike.
But don't get me wrong. I'm no optimist.
I spent the morning trying out different sizes, handle bar styles, seat cushions. They had to fit it with a saddle sack holder, put on some different tires without treads, change the pedals. I went home while it waited in the queue.
I came back on the bus with my saddle by my side, but it didn't fit so well and they had to adjust it. I got a coupon for a coffee and was told to come back in an hour.
I had a latte.
The waitress behind the counter was telling the guy in the front that she might as well marry Jimmy. She was convinced that he was better then Jay. And it wasn't like there were any other prospects coming along.
In the corner booth there was a woman in a purple suit telling a young couple how to get their mortgage.
I was reading an article in FFWD on urban sprawl.
The guy in front pointed out to the waitress that she did work in a coffee shop after all.
Big help that's been, she said.
I need a cigarette he replied.
As for the bike, I'll ride it to work, probably more then I rode the one I had. I can't on Monday though. I have to pick S~ at the airport. On Tuesday I have an interview. I guess it will be Wednesday.
So I went to the Al Gore movie and I got a new bike. But I'm not all that optimistic. All the stuff in between gets in the way.

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