Wednesday, April 12, 2006
To the Resurrection of the Knight-Errant
Well. Sitting here, delayed by rain, I am intent upon nothing but that my travels continue along their current path and are not want to be returned. In this mean time I have nothing to do but to put down a few thoughts. It is this which is laid before you.
But don't mistake, I do not write this purely of conditions. For truthfully, has there ever been anything in the realm of the atom that has inspired me to take to the pen with appetite?
No. Not once I think.
No, in fact, I doubt I would be writing at all had I not been tempted by a sudden urge to make well of an idea that has struck me so hard that I am currently quite incapacitated from the neck up. For this idea has instructed me to take upon a course, and it is that design which is explained in detail below.
So what idea could there be that would lead me to words after two months as a mute?
I suppose it might not be difficult to surmise that I am immersed in some sort of antiquated literature, as I have this strange plague to take upon the style of that which I read, and I imagine that's evident here.
It is true. I am reading Don Quixote. And it is indeed from this source that I come to my idea, which I believe is worth the world itself. And that is this: it has occured to me that the world is want for someone to take up the tradition.
What tradition is that you say?
Why, knight errantry of course!
But make no mistake, I do not read this most extraordinary piece so strictly; I see the spirit with which Mr. de Cervantes intends. And it is the spirit I speak of. Yes it is quite true that Quixote can be taken for a loon, and that his actions can be described as folly. But he also cannot, if one so chooses; and both are ripe to the mind who perceive it as such.
Besides, the spirit of the knight-errant calls for just such a loon, a loon of the strongest constitution, who will not break to this silly delusion to which we give the name reality. And as for the folly, well, it is exactly that which I hope to rekindle, for what greater need do we have, in this age of knowledgable ignorance, then for the folly of chivalry!
And thus, for the good of mankind, let us resurrect the profession of the knight-errant.
Oh yes, yes, I know you look on me with skeptical cynicism. Well that is the age. And it is true, there is of course the riches and fame and all of that which must come along with the tireless pursuit of knight-errantry. But they are but water to the meal, and only serve to better wash the deeds down. For I know full well, as did Quixote, and as must any knight-errant worth his salt, that all is being created out of the mind, so that it must be conceded that all riches are mere appearances and that fame is nothing but a boast.
No, the designs of said profession are far more substantial then such cotton candy. The well that the errant seeks is deeper to the core, to where the water may be known only as nectar by gods. For to the knight-errant it is the creation of the act which is the highest honour that may be received. It is this that the knight-errant treasures at the deepest of his heart, so that he would prefer it to any woman, or to any weight in gold.
That a history may be created, from which the future will take shape! Oh, what more glorious an honour could be bestowed on one. And what better image to shape this future then in the one of chivalry, taking the cue not from a heavenly dictate, nor from a lowly carnal seed, but from the heart of what makes man his most mighty, from the very mind of his own self! I should drop to my knees and kiss the kind fates to be so empowered!
So please, indulge enough to understand me, so that my plea is not on deaf ears. We will seek out our steeds and take the rein's to the only course that can be followed. And first, take this moment to toast with me, to the resurrection of the knight-errant, and the empowerment of every man!

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