Thursday, February 09, 2006
I was lying in bed mostly asleep (though who ever really knows). I woke up by a noise, something in the kitchen, and then another at my door. So get up and get out and open the door. That's always the way. And there at the door, on the other side, was this little ghost girl, dressed in white.
'You don't want to be here', she said to me.
That was all.
She ran off and out, out through the back and out the door, a door which was locked, not that it mattered much. I stood there stunned, too unsure of what to do except contemplate the debut and cringe at its encore.
The doorbell rang. I went to it, and opened the door (for some reason, I don't know why. Why do we ever do what we know we ought not to do? I guess you might ask as well, what choice do we have in the matter?).
Of course it was the ghost girl that I opened it to.
She ran at me, threatening but not in a threatening way, instead in a deliberate way, with her arms spread open without a face that I could seeand up to me she ran and into me she ran, and I don't mean into me but into me she ran and it was such a terrible sight if I could have only seen it.
Quite terrified. I am quite terrified still. That's not what I wanted to hear.

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