Monday, January 23, 2006
I spent about half an hour trying to figure out what to say about this quote that I found today. Its by Jane Jacobs, I found it when I was googling her name and reading everything I could about her.
Anyways, I came across this quote in an interview that was written a few years back, and it just seemed like the sort of thing that you'd want someone else to see. So I figured I'd post it up.
But I got to thinking that if I was going to post it up, I should have something to say about it. You always want to say something, you know? So I wrote something about it, and it sounded pretty silly, and then I wrote something else, and it didn't really seem right either. This went on and every time I said something it just was not really there and all it did was get me more frustrated trying to figure out what it was that was supposed to be said.
Well, if you're trying to say something and every time you try it seems like it just isn't being said, it could be because it shouldn't.
So I'm not going to say anything at all.
I have nothing to add.There are two ways you encounter things in the world that are different. One is everything that comes in reinforces what you already believe and everything that you know. The other thing is that you stay flexible enough or curious enough and maybe unsure of yourself enough, or may be you are more sure of yourself—I don’t know which it is—that the new things that come in keep reforming your world view.
Sunday, January 22, 2006
I can quite understand why it is we are always taking to drugs and women and television. This terrible emptiness is hard to bare.
So what to do? Amuse oneself to forget? Or stare at the terror straight and risk its awful fear, all the time praying that the mind has the strength to conceive, in its place, only a terrible beauty.

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