white hatter
Thursday, June 16, 2005
I'm having a terrible time writing anything longer then a page. I blame it on the blog.
It was part of my reason for my hiatus. Or at least lack of posting. I wanted to write something real.
The ideas are coming well enough. I worked out an outline for a story, I even had some more detailed designs for the first few chapters. It was all just ducky.
Until I actually sat down to write.
I do very well for the first page or so. Let's say the first few hundred words. And then I run into a full on road block and I am stopped dead.
Its a funny kind of block too. Its not like a crisis of creativity. The ideas still there. Like I said, I had a pretty good outline going in, so it wasn't really a problem of not knowing where to turn the page to.
Nope, it more a problem of apathy. At about the 300 word mark apathy wells up in me and freezes my fingers from another stroke.
Its fear I guess. That's usually what apathy is with me. Fear. But I don't want to admit it so I just say I don't care.
Its all a damned lie though, cuz I do care, and I have a good idea and so I want to write another story. But I just can't seem to bring myself to do it.

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