Saturday, April 09, 2005
Quiet Desperation
I'm always beating around the bush. And that can be fine, even preferable, but by doing so its all too easy to lose the message in the leaves.
So maybe I'll be blunt for once and just ask the question…
Are we leading lives of quiet desperation?
Its a rhythm I keep hearing in conversation. Again and again, different words, different language, but the same expression, beating like a drum.
Not satisfied, unsure of what do, all the possibilities seem bleak, no point to any of it, unappreciated, can't get up in the morning, what alternatives are there, what choices do i have, feeling trapped, feeling hopeless.
Could it just be a coincidence of sample size?
I don't think so. I don't think that this is just me carelessly extrapolating the words of a few malcontents. I think its something much more pervasive.
I think there is a serious structural flaw in the way that we live.
The interesting thing about a structural flaw is that it pervades through all of us and everything, and therefore is mostly unconscious to us. As an underlying premise upon which our lives are based, we don't even know that its there.
The consequence of this is what I hear. Somethings wrong, I don't know what, I'm confused, but the world goes on as it always has so everybody else must be ok and I guess that means there must be something wrong with me.
So I'll shut up and pretend I'm ok too.
Quiet Desperation.

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